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Someone who claims to believe in and stand for "liberty" and "freedom", but what they actually care about is the ability to diddle whoever they want, whenever they want with no judgement and no consequences. A member of the Licentitarian Party whose mascot is a mother hedgehog eating her babies.

Here I thought we were having a great conversation about property rights and tax reform and turns out all he wants is to be able to plant his seed in any hole he likes; you know, a real Licentitarian.

by SoldierDude4184 November 3, 2022


v. - When snow evaporates and sublimates directly into gas, i.e. the opposite of snow itself.

The origin of this word can be traced to a homeroom at Blackford High School, Blackford County, IN in the early nineties. It was observed that snow was evaporating outside without melting and there was no actual word in English for this, and that effectively this was the opposite of the act of snow itself. Thus looking or an effective word a small group of friends determined "snow" spelled backwards was "wons" which was too confusing as "won" is already a well defined word; however, if you inverted the "w" you got "mons" and thus lexicographical history was made.

It snowed last night, but with the temperature above freezing it's monsing out. By the end of the day the snow will be gone.

by SoldierDude4184 September 12, 2022