A clueless or ignorant person with a narrow point of view.
-What is metamorphosis
-I really don't know, maybe ask Freddie?
-Why bother he's such a shrug!
A person that is very drunk usually male.
'Man! Can we do it in the morning? You are off your mule'
Verb: to use a used fabric or a clothing item to make another clothing item
She used her very best skirt to drapemat dancing skirt for her daughter.
Adjective derived from today often referred to females who obsess with everything that's new and fashionable.
Toady went to the supermarket to get the latest make up, let's see if its even 'in'!
When someone talks to you in an emotional manner ussually goes on for hours about themselves often doesn't to want to listen to what you have to say.
-Why are you not picking up the phone?
- It's Angie she's been fighting with her boyfriend, I don't think I can take another load of her verbal diarrhea.
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