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Trailer Fatigue

Going to see a movie, and having to sit through so many commercials and trailers, you're either too tired-out or have lost all patience and don't feel like watching the goddamn movie anymore.

Phil: "How was the movie?"

Andrew: "I dunno... left before it began and got a refund because I got major trailer fatigue after sitting through 30 minutes of previews and the film still hadn't started yet."

by TeddyStix July 8, 2015

Reefer Preacher

An incredibly annoying persona adopted by some hardcore stones, the Reefer Preacher is a person who spends an obsessive (even disturbing) amount of time vocalizing their support of marijuana and its benefits, whether or not it is called for in a given situation.

The Reefer Preacher is the sort-of person whose life is literally consumed with a misguided, self-aggrandizing efforts to force their idealized view of cannabis down everyone's throats- hence, they become "preachers" that spout long-winded "sermons" about marijuana at any opportunity.

It's essentially a ploy for them to make themselves feel more “important.” Despite growing support for marijuana legalization, they pretend that marijuana is still a social taboo that is increasingly oppressed, and use that as a platform to annoy the fuck out of everyone unfortunate enough to be nearby with long-winded speaches about how “marijuana is the greatest miracle of nature.”

Reefer Preacher: "Do you smoke?"

Passerby: "Oh... sometimes. I like to at parties every so often, but I don't do it all the time, because sometimes it just doesn't sit well with my body. But on occasion, sure, I like to have a puff or two."

Reefer Preacher: "Don't be ignorant! Marijuana can never, ever not sit well with your system! That's just the secret Illuminati conformist agenda having a placebo effect on your body with all of the anti-marijuana propaganda that they unleash onto air and radio-waves! Don't you know all of the benefits of cannabis?! It can be used for so much... It can cure cancer! It can end droughts! It can stop wars!"

(This goes on for roughly the next 20 minutes)

by TeddyStix February 2, 2015

10👍 3👎

The Archfiend

If the words "hypocrisy" and "prick" could be physically personified in a human being, it would be "The Archfiend."

A YouTube blogger who leeches off of other, far better internet personalities, The Archfiend is a parasitic douche-bag who makes videos where he "exposes" (aka, whines and cries like a toddler) what he feels are the misdeeds of other YouTube bloggers. This is quite amusing, because he ironically doesn't seem to understand that he is guilty of virtually everything he condemns others for doing. (Ex. He frequently takes cheap shots at other YouTube personalities for making money off of their videos even though he hypocritically does the exact same thing.)

He does this because it gets him lazy views. He'll make a video calling-out other YouTube users, and purposely post their names in his video titles and descriptions, so that way his videos pop up when people search for the users. It's a very cheap, deceptive way to score views, but he doesn't care. (Because he's a prick!)

He is also very easily butt-hurt, and rather than engaging people in proper debate or discussion, will block them from his channel and leave snarky replies to them. (Often replacing the S's in his responses with "$", to show that he's happy he made money off of their views... again showing that he's a hypocritical asshole.)

Sadly, his fans are just as bad as he is. Hopefully one day they will see the light, and see what a worthless, hypocritical, childish brat he is.

Sally knew better than to watch The Archfiends videos, because anyone with half-a-brain would realize that he's completely worthless and does not contribute anything in any capacity to anyone.

by TeddyStix April 15, 2014

146👍 29👎

Money is no object

What rich assholes say to make it all the more clear that they're rich assholes.

Trust Fund Baby: "Father, I don't like the view from my hotel window... I can see a women's shelter and I refuse to acknowledge the existence of anyone less fortunate than we are."

Father: "Mmmm-yes. I shall buy the property tomorrow and have it closed forever so you don't have to think about its existence for the week we'll be staying here."

Trust Fund Baby: "Can we do that?"

Father: "Of course! Money is no object for us!"

Trust Fund Baby: "Thank you, father!"

by TeddyStix June 23, 2015

12👍 2👎


1. A term most frequently used to describe someone's natural state without the consumption or influence of alcohol. (It can also more broadly be used to describe someone who is not under the influence of drugs, although this is a less-common use of the word.)

2. A metaphorical descriptive term than can be used to describe someone attaining a serious or sensible mental state, often after having a more carefree or unstable attitude. (Almost as if becoming sober after being drunk.) Generally described as being "sobering."

3. A slang term sometimes used to describe someone who is exceedingly boring or nit-picky. Or someone goes out of their way to display a lack of joy or an absence of fun.

1. Noel remained sober at the nightclub while her friends drank and partied, as she was the designated driver for the night.

2. His mother getting into a serious car-accident was a sobering experience for Ben, as he himself had been an unsafe driver up until that point, and he realized he needed to be more careful on the road.

3. Chris's overly sober attitude was becoming an issue at his workplace, especially after he tried to convince his supervisor to cancel a planned retirement party for a long-time co-worker because he thought it was a "waste of two hours we could otherwise be working."

by TeddyStix October 2, 2014

21👍 10👎


1. Most commonly, a descriptive term for someone that is lacking in taste. Someone who lacks the ability to recognize things that are of a low-quality.

2. Can also refer to someone or something that lacks basic tact or decency.

3. In a literal sense, lacking any sort of flavor.

4. Michael Bay.

1. Joey's choices in crappy pop-music reveal him to be somewhat tasteless when it comes to entertainment.

2. The new comedy opening in theaters this week is rather tasteless, with some really mean-spirited displays of misogyny.

3. "Honey, those gluten-free rolls you bought me last week for my diet were almost completely tasteless!"

4. Michael Bay. Tasteless. 'Nuff said.

by TeddyStix October 3, 2014

30👍 5👎

Natty Daddy

1. A cheap knock-off pseudo-beer for rednecks and tasteless frat douches. Tastes like carbonated piss and guarantees a nasty hangover.

2. What you bring to the party for drinks when Four Locos are considered too "sophisticated."

3. Hillbilly fuel.

1. Brian complimented his look of four layered shirts with popped collars and fake orange spray-tan by holding onto a shimmering can of Natty Daddy.

2. Mason downed five Natty Daddy's before passing out in a puddle of his own vomit at the party last night.

3. "Billy-Bob! Hold my Natty Daddy while I try to see if I can jump my 4-wheeler over the bonfire!"

by TeddyStix October 3, 2014

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