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1.) Supposately comes from the fact that whites slave drivers cracked the whip at their slaves.
2.) Comes from the fact that most crackers ARE indeed white or light-peach-colored... Except for those nasty wheat ones hippies eat.
1.) What people (not only blacks or spanish people) use to say "white guy"
2.) What everybody calls those little edible rectangular things that come in boxes.

First of all: Being a white guy, I'm tired of hearing other white people whining about "black people can call us crackers but we can't defend ourselves by calling them the N-Word!" and shit. GET OVER IT. That's what we got for putting them through 400 years of slavery. I think that they have a right to rub the word "cracker" in our faces while we can't call them the N-Word. Besides, 'cracker' doesn't even sound nearly as bad as NIGGER.(<< That word just screams derrogatory)... Lousy bunch of crackers.

Black friend (joking): What's up, cracker?
Chad: Sup?
Random whiny white guy: Omegad! (points at black friend) RACIST!!!
Chad: .....Cracker

by ThatWhiteDude September 23, 2007

12👍 29👎


when you got so many people in your squad its so big its became a whole army.

shit man i wouldn't fuck with that platoon, they got like 40 naggas

by ThatWhiteDude February 20, 2015

22👍 3👎