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Are plus sized women attractive to anyone?

A repetitious ploy for attention used on anonymous apps. This is reposted every few hours by fat chicks on anonymous apps because they know that the guys that pity them the most will reply and say “yes” to give them the exact amount of recognition that they are seeking. Fatties also know that, because of the amount of sadness and pity, it will make their post automatically go to a “Hot” or “Popular” page which, unfortunately, is everyone’s main objective in their sad, sad life as it makes them feel recognized.

*eating Big Mac* Are plus sized women attractive to anyone? *burps*

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 March 23, 2022

7👍 16👎


Originally from the fourth season of Married With Children, a tangwich is a slice of bread with butter on it coated in Tang drink crystals.

Ok, who wants a tangwich???

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 July 3, 2021

11👍 12👎

All lives matter

Something you can say if you want to piss off a majority of colored people.

Colored: bLaKk liVeS maDduRr
Superior: Do Japanese, Chinese, European, Korean, Dutch, Russian, and Indian lives matter?

Colored: Of course
Superior: Oh so all lives matter?


by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 7, 2023

6👍 20👎

Preggo Unfollow

Staying friends with someone but unfollowing them on social media when they announce that they are pregnant because you don’t want to read their whiny, attention-seeking pity posts that they’ll make for the next 2 years so that people can unmeaningly call them the usual terms (strong, brave, amazing) simply for the fact that they let someone drop cum into them to make something that has ruined their life.

Did you hear Tracy is pregnant?

“Yeah her whole friends list did… 8 times in the last two hours. I had to Preggo Unfollow her.”
Yeah, save yourself the headache.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 9, 2023


A mental illness that Gen Zs self-diagnose themselves with after spending 98% of their free time on social media, watching Disney movies, or staying at home and doing literally nothing. This is then followed by the self-inflicted symptom of being scared of going out into public because “oh no. There’s people there”.

I can’t go outside and get some sunlight from a walk the empty park down the road because another human being might show up within an 400 foot radius and trigger my Anxiety disorder that I don’t have.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 March 25, 2023

2👍 1👎


What antivaxxers call people when they have no legitimate reply nor rebuttal to a statement that goes against their conspiracy theories. Most commonly American, Obese, single, lonely, unemployed, bored, and/or depressed as they rely on social media and anonymous apps to give them something to keep what is left of their minds occupied.

Also see American

- I’m not injecting an unknown substance into my body!!
“The ingredients are all available online.”
- Yeah but it doesn’t even work!!!
“So you’re against getting something that, according to you, won’t affect you because…?”
-Ha! Fuckin sheep!!! Can you say “baaa”?

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 20, 2022

7👍 17👎


What Americans who downvote anything that calls them out call people who follow medical advice from people who studied medicine and viral illnesses for 10 years instead of listening to high school dropouts and truck drivers

“What’s wrong?”
My doctor said I have leukemia.
“Lmao ya ok. Probably just have a cold. You’ll grow immunity to it. That’s why we have an immune system.”
My organs are on fire from that Chemotherapy.

“Then stop going lmao. Stop being such a sheep!”

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 6, 2023

2👍 8👎