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pimp rack

a horizontal storage space for a pimp at rest, aka the bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow in the pimp rack, i was out.

by Tricky77 September 9, 2012

1👍 1👎

hot pocket

a woman's special lady parts, aka vagina.

yo girl, thanks for letting me hide my tube steak inside your hot pocket

by Tricky77 September 9, 2012

393👍 184👎

accidental pussy

having sex with someone new without ever intending to.

Aubrey: I tried calling you yesterday after work 3 times but you didn't answer.
Brad: Yea, sorry man, i dropped Jeremy off at home and then i got some accidental pussy from his roommate. It was some good hot pocket.

by Tricky77 September 9, 2012