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A military term used when an entire unit is given "extra training" (or in other words is punished) because of the actions of one or a few in that unit. This usually consists of filling sandbags and/or moving them from one location to another for no apparent reason, then moving them back.

Want to go to a bar this weekend?

I can't, my squadron is sandbagging due to some underage drinking problems.

by ViviWannabe December 11, 2009

13πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

3 b's

Can also refer to a method of getting a small break when parenting school-age children, used in the parenting method known as Benign Neglect. Stands for broken, bleeding, or burning.

"I'll be in my room. Don't bother me unless something is broken, bleeding, or burning."

"Yes mom, we know about the 3 b's.

by ViviWannabe April 27, 2016

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

boot camp wash

When you don't have time to take a proper shower, so you just wash your buttcrack, crotch, underarms and (if you're female) under your boobs. Comes from military basic training when an entire unit has 10-15 minutes in a communal shower.

My roommate took forever in the bathroom this morning, so I had to boot camp wash in order to make it to work on time.

by ViviWannabe July 8, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


In military basic training, when someone who sat down after you gets up before you, causing you drill sergeant/drill instructor/training instructor to yell at you to get out of the chow hall.

I couldn't eat at breakfast this morning because I got tablefucked by a first-weeker.

by ViviWannabe December 5, 2009

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

ghetto grilled cheese sandwich

Two pieces of buttered bread and a slice of cheese stuck together in a sandwich and stuck together in a toaster. Usually made by someone who is too lazy or a terrible cook to do it on the stove.

My toaster smells like burnt cheese from all the ghetto grilled cheese sandwiches I've made.

by ViviWannabe July 19, 2009

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Sympathy whore

Someone who insists on expounding every detail about every issue in their life every time they see you in hopes you'll feel bad for them. Somehow these people always have a lot of terrible things happen to them. Even though you do feel bad for them, you get tired of hearing about it.

Andrew cornered me in the hall and updated me on his sister's crippling car crash, his mother's botched dialysis, his divorce, and how his cat died last week, even though he just told me yesterday. He's such a sympathy whore.

by ViviWannabe June 27, 2009

29πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

benign neglect

A method of parenting school-age children in which you leave them the fuck alone unless they need you for something. The exact opposite of a helicopter parent.

I let my children work out their own disagreements unless they start hitting each other. I'm a big advocate of benign neglect.

by ViviWannabe April 27, 2016

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