1.) Abbreviation of Battle for Dream Island, an American animated web series that was conceptualized in 2008 by Cary Huang and Michael Huang and premiered on January 1st, 2010. Itâs original run is clearly inspired by Total Drama Island in various aspects, most notably through inanimate, anthropomorphic objects competing against each other as contestants in order to receive a prize. As of 2022, the show is currently airing its fifth season. The entire series can be found on YouTube on the channel Jacknjellify. See Also: Inanimate Insanity, Object Overload.
2.) Acronym for Blockyâs Funny Doings International (Rebranded as Woodyâs Funny Doings International), a series of pranks Blocky, an original contestant, pulls on his fellow competitors.
âDid you hear? BFDI finally concluded a season since itâs first run!â
âLmao. Took them like 11 years.â
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