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“Dud” is derived from its usage to describe something that has failed to work properly at its predetermined time of need.

As a scornful personal noun, it is used to describe people showing an instantaneous and critical lack of intellect, more than often at the expense of the “Dud” in question and those in the immediate surrounding.

To reach peek Dudhood, an individual predetermined to be the least intelligent of a group, should enthusiastically take excessive Stimulants either alone or encouraged by the group. The individual should then be released in a public space as the aforementioned drugs come into effect. A third-party observer can recognize the manifestation of a Dud, when the actions of said vacuously intoxicated individual evoke reactions of disgust, anger, and fear amongst their companions, rather than the original amusement.

Person 1: “Dude it was such a great idea to bring Eric here, he fits right in! We should give him more Molly..”

Person 2: OH FUCK bro.. Eric’s being a fucking Dud we gotta scram FAST.

Eric: *Spoon-feeding Edibles to the other students in the Special-Education classroom*

by WeeTod42 March 31, 2022