A condition of hopeless respiratory Pandemic unpreparedness has required many people, even healthcare workers, to continuously re-use otherwise disposable Personal Protective Equipment. Unfortunately, the INNER surface of protective face masks have a tendency to become heavily soiled by saliva, sputum, food particles, nasal secretions and other decomposing bio-active materials.
Oh, man. I've been wearin' this N95 for two weeks now and I just can't stand it!
Dude, you got the Mask Stank! Just turn it inside out...that's what you do with your underwear. Right?
The absolute best default advice that one can give in the contest of a finite lifespan of decidedly uncertain duration; and relevant to the full range of life experience.
So, at this stage of my professional career should I move from a completely stable, uninspiring position to one with uncertain, but exhilarating potential?
The best advice that I can give you is that, with guidance, due diligence and confidence in the final analysis...Buy the fuckin' shoes!
A low-energy, nialistic, survival condition created by a seemingly endless cascade of bad news, pandemic illness and death, economic despair, joblessness, false-start state, school and business openings, out of control wildfires, floods and hurricanes, social unrest, looting, burning and property destruction, social media fueled dis-information campaigns designed to derail any hope of 2020 election legitimacy, partisan mega-donor US Postal Service disassembly as an attempt to erode confidence in vote by mail balloting and the flagrantly misleading influence committed by self-serving, opportunistic Politicians.
Did you hear Trump knew in back February that the virus was airborne, deadly and spreading?
Yeah, so?
Well, that's not what he told us.
He was just trying to keep order and prevent panic.
Oh,right. He's holding an indoor campaign rally TONIGHT! No social distancing and few, if any, will wear masks.
Yup, I'm goin'. The Pandemic is over, it was a hoax anyway.
Ahh, I think I'll just stay home and Grind Through the Misery.
The strategically orchestrated falsehood perpetrated on a democratic society by its own elected officials; resulting in the normalization and acceptance of tremendously anti-American language, thoughts and deeds, unrepairable for many future generations.
The Contention: The outcome of the 2020 election series, but ONLY the results of the presidential race, were fraudulent, illegal and resulted in the inauguration of an illegitimate executive branch leader.
The Proof: None. After 60+ lawsuits and election challenges in battleground states, exactly NO evidence of systemic fraud, illegal voting or election malfeasance was substantiated.
The biggest lie remains viable and continues to be supported by white supremacy groups, anarchist activists, the fever-dream conspiracy theory Queef-anon delusionists and some horribly misdirected individuals severely lacking critical thinking capabilities.
13👍 5👎
A supremely fitting ending to the very worst presidency in the history of the United States of America.
So, any thoughts on shit-bag trump not accepting his landslide loss in the 2020 election?
Loss!? He WON the election. Millions of votes were systematically stolen by the satanic Dominion election software, Hugo Chavez' ghost and George Soros liberal democratic agenda!!
Maybe, but isn't it worth considering that this administration has dis-served the America like none other in recorded history and that we're simply dealing with a pants down presidency deserving of condemnation, prosecution and incarceration for crimes against humanity.
The meaningful activities that happen OUTSIDE of everyday alcohol, drug and sex addiction.
So, did you hear that Sherry 'slobs the knob five times a fucking day? '
Yeah, I did. She's doin' that shit while the rest of the world is doin' Life Things just to survive.
A neuromuscular brain scan with fidelity at the atomic level; the future standard for carbon to silicon consciousness transference.
Happy 85 grandpa! Did you get your Brain Print done yet?
I sure did. Makes me sad for those that didn't have the tech back in 2050.
Yeah. Well, we do now! Cheers to immortality!!