Past tense: manhukood
This archaic word has uncertain and highly debated roots. However it is widely agreed by most scholars that it refers to a highly capable male who is blessed by both good fortune and skill. Famous manhukans include: God, Josh Warren, Thom Yorke and Mahatma Ghandi. Most manhukans however prefer a simple life, their modesty holding them back from such things as public appearances or showmanshipรขยยฆ Thus explaining god.
The manhukan song (Bryan Adams)รขยย
Do you know of a place?
Where the manhukan rests?
Where he makes his nest?
Where he is better than the best?
1. A Hebrew Kabalistic word, for the ten divine emanations from Ain-Soph, the impersonal, universal Principle, or deity. Since i doubt many of you know what the Kabbalah is:
"The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis of the middle ages derived from the older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon." All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Kabalistic.
2. The book Sepher Sephiroth analysing the kabbalah written by the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley.
3. Or more recently; the power hungry villian from final fantasy 7.
1. Keter is a sephiroth; one of the sephira.
2. What black magick weirdo freaks read... mmm ritual abuse.
3. Arch villian deserving of O fortuna themetune by that other weirdo - Wagner.
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