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Addiction to watching YouTube videos.

Dan: "Hey man, last night I didn't study at all dude. I started getting addicted to YouTube videos and kept watching one after the other. You know, I've decided what I want to do know for fun and possibly as a career: I want to watch all of the YouTube videos that exist."

Adam: "Sounds like you caught the youtubelotitis bug. But really- are you serious? Are you kidding me? Sorry dude, but honestly, that's impossible. At last count there were over 50,000,000 videos on that site. Even IF you really wanted to, you would never be able to watch all of them. Sorry, dude. And in any case - do you really wanna watch 10,000 Chris Crocker-type videos and their responses and about 20,000 videos of pre-teen girls talking about themselves?"

by adel7 November 29, 2007

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The study of Halo, either Halo 1, 2, or the upcoming Halo 3 and Halo Wars. These games for Xbox and Xbox 360 were developed by Bungie, and with some help from Microsoft. This intellectual pursuit embodies all the aspects of Halo such as: different combat strategies, stealth fighting, grenading, timing, sniping, up-close combat, teamwork, aiming, psychological training, nerves-of-steel, using vehicles and air transportation, and anything else related to improving one's Halo skills.

Me: "Hey, Kareem, what do you say we study some Halography for an hour or two - I need to improve my sniping and you can work on getting that plasma grenade down."

Kareem: "Word. Hallo to Halo."

by adel7 July 22, 2007

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Very flexible, like some of those ballerinas.

I don't know why but I really like lithe ladies.

by adel7 November 29, 2007

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gahsh meat

Gahsh meat literally means "the meat of a wild, untamed beast, such as a wild donkey or monster-like creature."

Gahsh meat is quite tasty and delicious.

Dude 1: I want some gahsh meat, some gahsh meeeeeeeeeeeeat.

Dude 2: Word. Fashizzle, man. Let's go kill that goat yonder.

by adel7 July 28, 2007

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Bored Again Christian

A Christian who first becomes a Born Again Christian, and then afterwards that person becomes bored and stops going to church for the same reason as they originally had.

After Tim went back to the church regularly, the old priest got him bored with long-winded and repetitive sermons so Tim became a Bored Again Christian.

by adel7 January 13, 2008

47πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Tycho Brahe

An astronomer from long ago who was extremely picky about making very accurate star maps and star descriptions.

He lived on an island and got paid handsomely by the King to study astronomer. He was lucky enough to have his own team of laborers and assitants to help him build really huge instruments like compasses, telescopes, etc.

Unfortunately he did not believe that the Sun was the center of the universe, because he tried to measure the stars positions and see if they moved throughout the year, but he didn't notice any movements. The thing is, the stars are extremely, mind-bogglingly far away. But he still should have figured out that the Earth was not the center of the universe, if only because of the retrograde motion of Jupiter and Mars, and also because of the fact that Jupiter itself has its own moons. Oh well, it was a bit hard to go against that church dogma that said we lived in a geocentric universe. And how would these old astronomers have known just how far away the stars are?

2. Someone who is extremely anal about measurements

Tycho Brahe would have loved to use todays computers - because he could have gotten extremely accurate measurements.

Mark72329: "Wanna know how big I am down there, sweetie?"
girlyxoxo923: "yeah hunk tell me"
Mark72329: "Well according to my most recent calculations I'm just about 5.825 inches. Isn't that big?"
girlyxoxo923: "wtf - gosh, GAL dude... umm and that's not big sorry"

by adel7 December 4, 2007

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A severe yet accurate verbal censure to someone who needs to snap out of a bad habit.

Man, yesterday Omar gave me a snapoutofit, it hurt but he had a point. And he told me it on the side, not in front of everyone so afterwards I didn't feel real pissed at him.

by adel7 December 1, 2007

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