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a thief who enters a house,store,school,car with the intent to steal

the burglar stole a VCR from the store

by ajwalias May 4, 2008

80👍 19👎


the act of entering a building or other places with the intent to commit theft

A burglary is person entered a store a night and stole a tweeter

by ajwalias May 4, 2008

38👍 15👎


To steal from houses,schools,stores or cars

My house was burglarized the guy stole a stereo

by ajwalias May 4, 2008

11👍 8👎


a thief who steals goods on display or money from a cash register from a store at anytime

the shoplifter stole $20.00 from the cash register

by ajwalias May 4, 2008

35👍 6👎