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The undefinable "chi" (or "qi", depending on the spelling) that one with mammajamma has. A level up from "mojo", it's what makes the mammajammed of the universe so damn fine. One is normally born with it, but increasingly there are lessons and "slammywhammy" coaches sprouting around North America to teach, whose services are often promoted through the use of Groupon.

"What makes that bad mammajamma so damn fine?"

"Oh that's Dave. He's got some mean ass slammywhammy under the hood."

by aquaholic_anonymous May 28, 2013


To power clean a (usually intoxicated) person, then split jerk them and throw them off the top of a houseboat into the water. Usually done as a punishment for poor or unruly behaviour (such as knocking drinks out of partiers' hands), for threatening to fight (and actually fighting) inanimate objects, and for sucking at drinking games. Also sometimes done because fuck you that's why.

"If Jaime knocks one more beer out of my hand, I'm going to kemp the shit out of him."

"If Riley doesn't stop talking about how great the Liberal Party is, I'm absolutely kemping his ass."

by aquaholic_anonymous July 23, 2013

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