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Phlegm Brulee

The horrible brown colored mucus that is discharged from an individual when they are ill or getting over an illness.

Friend 1 - How you feeling today buddy?

Friend 2 - Getting a little better...my body is cooking up some phlegm brulee right now so I am getting that shizz out of my system.

by archyis October 9, 2009

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The synergistic "Super-bug" that is spawned when an individual becomes infected with the influenza and pnemonia at the same time. This is more sinister than the dreaded bird and/or swine flu...and is more on-par with the fabled SuperFlu from the movie "The Stand".

Patient - Yo, I don't feel so good doc.
Doctor - Well I declare...you must have a case of the flu.

Patient - Yo, I feel worse now doc.
Doctor - For Pete's sake, it appears you now have pnemonia.
Patient - Does that mean I have Flumonia?

by archyis October 8, 2009

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Technology Budget Filibuster

The business tactic of stalling and forcing technology engineers to provide redundant documentation and plans in the hopes of dragging the project out so it will not have to be funded despite already being approved.

"Could you please provide a more detailed project plan" asked Freddy

"How much more detailed can it get? Are you are not pulling a technology budget filibuster on me?" responded Richard

"You caught me Ralph...they are trying not to fund this project this year even though it was approved" admitted Freddy.

by archyis July 7, 2009

Office Vigilante

Cubicle dweller or office employee who seeks justice and revenge against the evil forces residing within the work environment.

Inspired by watching Charles Bronson in DeathWish, I intend to be an Office Vigilante so I can right all of the wrongs that occur within our office. I got my sock full of quarters and am ready to unleash on some fools!

by archyis November 9, 2009

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Cubicle Justice

A Charles Bronson like office vigilante that seeks to get even with a colleague in the office for slighting them.

Worker 1 - I can't believe he knocked stuff over at my cube, then got pissed about it and slammed stuff down. And then he just walks off without putting the stuff back.

Worker 2 - Dude, that is a jackass move. What are you going to do?

Worker 1 - Well, there will be a fair amount of cubicle justice, I can tell you that. I may take all of the screws out of his chair, tape raw fish up under his desk or perhaps stink palm his mouse.

Worker 2 - Hells Yaw, that would be hilarious yo!

by archyis November 6, 2009


1. A person that is so bad at using a computer that they actually appear to be severely spastic or mentally retarded.

2. A computer technician that is really horrible at his or her job.

I can't believe Edgar couldn't fix that printer problem for that customer, sometimes I think he has the worst case of computer-palsy.

by archyis April 11, 2007

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United States current form of government that convinces people that they have a choice over their government when in actuality any politician who reaches high enough status to run for president (or any other high level office) has sold their soul ten times over to get there.

"I can't believe Obama is turning out to be the same as other politicians" said Fred, "he isn't following through on some of the promises he made".

"Dude, it doesn't matter who you elect man or what party...they are all sleaze bags in this tricktatorship. Just remember this the next time there is an election and some other guy is touted as a savior" replied Ralph.

by archyis June 24, 2009

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