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Harmonic-Timbral Projection

The general tendency of people to consciously or subconsciously project their human relationships onto the conversations between instruments in a piece of music.

This concept and terminology have been developed by Trevor Baker, i.e; myself.

As the guitar solo soared in flight, Newman's mind developed a vision of a struggling warrior, dying but fighting daily to be heard, crying ever upward in the octave ranges, juxtaposed against both harmony and dissonance, to its ultimate conclusion: the breakthrough he could never reach.

When Newman disclosed his vision with his friends and colleagues, they came to the general consensus that they projected their own experiences onto music. The fact that conversations could exist between intervals and that the timbre of individual instruments characterized the dispositions of people, confirmed the paychological phenomenon known as Harmonic-Timbral Projection.

by av3nger December 6, 2021

guy shy

A woman who is normally confident in what she does, her responsibilities, her life, and when she is around other women; however, she may act shy in front of men, not speak to men normally, or comes off okay when dealing with men but shows DEFINITE signs of preferring to talk almost exclusively to women with the exception of elderly men.

Fictional Conversation:

Man 1: Hey man, there's this girl at church and she seems to prefer talking to the girl beside her instead of across the table at me!

Man 2: She's guy shy man. She's not into commitment yet....she's probably too busy with family stuff and she's filled up her whole schedule with responsibilities and college. (Description of a real girl I know).

Man 1: I Guess I'll just try to ask her out when her and I are having fun or working on something! I'll persevere!

Man 2: More power to ya man.

by av3nger September 28, 2013

Monster Fail

My own type of fail. Pronounced "Mumumumumonster FAIL Fail fail" (fading).

Guy 1: What are those scissors for?!

Guy 2: Your face!

10 minutes later
Guy1: Haha LOL! that makes sense!

Guy2: You just now realized that? *Laughs* Mumumumumonster FAIL Fail fail

by av3nger November 14, 2010


The type of outfit that has the obvious potential to be used by a promiscuous woman attempting to seduce men.

Kid: Woah...who's dress is that? It looks like a total skankfit.

His Mother: That would be mine dear.

Kid: O_o

by av3nger June 14, 2014

super metal

Metal that actually has an explosive snare drum and makes more use of the toms to create a more climactic and cinematic metal experience. It generally wouldn't drop below C standard tuning and would make great use of the voice to be dynamic and add vocal expression that enhances, mimics, and complements the guitar work.

Josh: Woah, is that some new Thrash Metal or Power Metal?
John: No! It's Super Metal! \m/

by av3nger June 2, 2017


A recurring occasional fear I've had all my life.

From Chatgpt:

My prompt:

What do you call: the fear of not being able to get to know everyone on the planet before death

"The fear of not being able to get to know everyone on the planet before death is not a formally recognized or widely used phobia term. However, it can be described as "Panthanophobia." The term is derived from the Greek word "pan" (meaning "all") and "thanatos" (meaning "death"). Panthanophobia would encompass the anxiety or fear related to the idea of not being able to meet or know every single person on Earth during one's lifetime. It's worth noting that this term may not be commonly acknowledged in psychological or medical literature, and fears can often be unique to individuals.

Xander: I've had this nagging thought creepy into my mind Bob. That I will never get to personally know the vast majority of the human race before they or I die.

Bob: Ultimately, one of the innate realities of life Xander. Billions will come and go without ever knowing each other.

Xander: I just sent this through Chat GPT and got this back:

by av3nger July 21, 2023