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A recurring occasional fear I've had all my life.

From Chatgpt:

My prompt:

What do you call: the fear of not being able to get to know everyone on the planet before death

"The fear of not being able to get to know everyone on the planet before death is not a formally recognized or widely used phobia term. However, it can be described as "Panthanophobia." The term is derived from the Greek word "pan" (meaning "all") and "thanatos" (meaning "death"). Panthanophobia would encompass the anxiety or fear related to the idea of not being able to meet or know every single person on Earth during one's lifetime. It's worth noting that this term may not be commonly acknowledged in psychological or medical literature, and fears can often be unique to individuals.

Xander: I've had this nagging thought creepy into my mind Bob. That I will never get to personally know the vast majority of the human race before they or I die.

Bob: Ultimately, one of the innate realities of life Xander. Billions will come and go without ever knowing each other.

Xander: I just sent this through Chat GPT and got this back:

by av3nger July 21, 2023