Bilal: "Yo Maaz, have u heard of those niggas Aasir and Rayan? Someone said they're NRP's"
Maaz: "Hollup bro I gotta take a shit"
Bilal: "This why u not an NRP"
Maaz: "Fuk do u mean?"
Bilal: "It means they're certified real niggas"
Maaz: "Nigga thats CRN"
Bilal: "My bad fam, I meant Non-Registered-Pakis"
Maaz: "Fuck. I wish I was an NRP too"
Synonyms: Sexy-ass-niggas
Bilal: "Yo Maaz, have u heard of those niggas Aasir and Rayan? Someone said they're NRP's"
Maaz: "Hollup bro I gotta take a shit"
Bilal: "This why ur not an NRP"
Maaz: "Fuk u mean?"
Bilal: "It means they're certified real niggas"
Maaz: "Nigga that's CRN"
Bilal: "My bad fam, I meant Non-Registered-Pakis"
Maaz: "Fuck. I wish I was an NRP too"
Synonyms: Sexy-ass-niggas