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kenan and kel

A HUGE part of my childhood.
Along with The Simpsons (when it was still mildly funny),that cartoon about the shrimpy thingies that live under the sea with lil' tooty things on their heads and not forgetting the *wondrous* Little Bear Stories.
I loved it at age 8-10,now I just think it's creepy....

Kenan and Kel,a comedy American show about *ZANY!!!* black teenagers.One of them had a prominent addiction to orange soda,the other was a fat nark with NO chance of getting laid....OH MY GOD! It was racist!!!!

by bandanasarerad August 26, 2006

105πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Jesus Freak

Off-set of Christianity which brings shame to real Christians. The emos of religion if you will.
Crazy people who take the already fucked up laws of Christinaity to the extreme. They like Hell Houses,throwing holy water all over the place and George Bush. Oh,and Mel Gibson.
Jesus Freaks fear/loathe two thing: Slayer and Bill Hicks.

The Jesus Freak took her nine year old to see The Passion Of The Christ,then later that day she went to a rally to get Brokeback Mountain banned from cinemas.

Me: "Hey,why did Jesus walk on water?"
JesusFreak: "Well-"
Me:"Everyone knows, SHIT FLOATS!"
Me ~runs like hell~

by bandanasarerad October 12, 2006

199πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž

Avril Lavigne

Female singer who is spitting all over the word "punk".
Says she isn't trying to be punk,but obviously is by adhering to the mainstreams' idea of what punk is.
(Ie:neckties, "s8er bois" ,Green Day)
Loved by dumb teen/pre-teens who need to get some Hole, Bikini Kill and Le Tigre down their throats.
Plays *punk* music,without the politics,anger,meaning or ideals....yeah,baiscially punk without the punk.
Somebody should shoot that bitch. Prefferably John Lydon.

Dumb"rebel"Bitch: "Oh wow Avril Lavigne is sooooo KEWL. Punk Rock! I mean I can totally realate to her songs,having as many problems as I do! *sniff* My Mommy wouldn't even buy those chucks I saw Billie Joe from Green Day wearing! Oh,BTW,you're not punk...you're not wearing a necktie"
Me:"Kill me."


by bandanasarerad September 10, 2006

275πŸ‘ 326πŸ‘Ž


LMBFAO can mean one of two things:
1.Laughing My Big Fucking Ass Off.
2.Laughing My Butt Fucking Ass Off.
Both are very odd things to say.
They cause confusion among many.

PersonA: Yeah,so I saw Brokeback Mountain...
PersonA:*wonders if personB is fat or gay*
PersonA:*wonders which is worse*

by bandanasarerad September 19, 2006

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1.An art house film by cult direcor Gus van Sant(My Own Private Idaho,Dugstore Cowboy) based loosely on the Columbine High School shootings. There's a huge controvesy over whether the killers were portrayed as gay or not. Sure,they kiss in the shower,but one look at emo boys kissing shows you that this isn't exactly a tabbo subject for teenagers anymore. It's a good film,and a good way to vent frustation after a hard days worth of name-calling and beatings from jocks at high school. Just don't get any ideas...
2.Also a clever grey animal.

Nerd:"One of these days I'm gonna get Elephant on your ass"
Jock:~resumes beating nerd~

2. "Look! An Elephant! And this one still has it's tusks! Elephants are fun!

by bandanasarerad October 7, 2006

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

The village idiot

George Bush
George Bush is an idiot

George Bush: The Village Idiot.
A village in Texas is missing it's idiot.

by bandanasarerad October 30, 2006

27πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

oh em gee, I'm so scene

Say it and see how long it takes for someone to punch you.
The world record currently stands at 12 minuites 16 seconds.

"oh em gee,I'm so scene" the girl in the Panic! At The Disco shirt squealed.
Exactly 5 minuites 2 seconds later a group of kids in Mudhoney and Black Flag shirts set upon her.
Once they were finished, the only thing left of her was her hella cute hairband.
My,how awful.
oh em gee, I'm so scene

by bandanasarerad October 26, 2006

39πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž