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he’s always there for you.

no matter if you are sick or totally happy.

but he’s only really caring if he really likes you.

he doesn’t need the attention of anyone but his closest friends that he also calls family.

he’s really thoughtful and sweet

me:” I had a beautiful day yesterday “
friend:” I guess you where hanging with niklas then;)”

by blue.rarri June 10, 2019

26👍 2👎


he’s the most loyal person you’ll ever meet.

he will care for you when you don't feel well but also be there for you when everything’s alright.

but only if you mean a lot to him.

niklas doesn’t need the attention of anyone because he already has his friends that he calls his family.

Me: “I’ve had a wonderful day yesterday “
Friend: “ I bet your we’re hanging with niklas “

by blue.rarri June 10, 2019

3👍 2👎