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Wally Pipp Syndrome

Fear of taking a day off from work, then have your job be replaced by someone more healthier, if not better than you, when you are fit to return.

The term was coined by author Dick Schaap. It came from Wally Pipp, a former first baseman for New York Yankees and could not play due to a headache in 1925, but it started the fabled Iron Man streak by Lou Gehrig until he was forced to retire with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Pipp never regained the starting 1B spot ever again, and he was put on waivers, and was signed by Cincinnati Reds in 1926.

Tom Brady Wally Pipped Drew Bledsoe. It was a good thing that he didn't suffer from Wally Pipp Syndrome when he was injured, nor did his deputies did such a great job that he could be replaced.

by brockhoward June 22, 2019

Priority Zero

Paramedic term for time AND life-critical patient, especially when their condition deteriorates so badly that they could pass if not treated immediately.

Paramedic: Received a Code One case (time critical and unconscious) patient who suffered a fall, but during our travels, but it has turned into a Priority Zero as she also a cardiac patient who is having a cardiac arrest as we speak. We must get to her ASAP.

by brockhoward October 1, 2019

King of Hops

King of Hops and Barleys in full. A posthumous tribute to the late American Beer and Whiskey journalist, Michael Jackson (1942-2007). His original nickname was "The Beer Hunter" due to the books and film series

I'm listing to King of Pop while drinking to beer with King of Hops' seal of approval.

by brockhoward October 6, 2011

I'm Rich, Biatch!

The true origin of this famous line came from the skit 'Reparations 04' in Dave Chappelle when black people were paid millions of dollars in compensation for historical slavery.

In the skit, a janior was asked by a reporter when she thought he should give up his job as a truck driver, when in actual fact, he bought the truck using the cash he has. He stated that he can afford the truck and a lifetime supply of cigarettes.

Now that I've won Lotto, I can finally pay of my mortgage and still have enough to buy a Ferrari. I'm Rich, Biatch!

by brockhoward June 3, 2009

82πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dutch Courage

Alcohol induced self-confidence, the beverage in question was gin, or genever (juniper), the main ingredient.

I think I need some Dutch Courage to ask this hot chick out tomorrow night.

by brockhoward September 27, 2011

45πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Sesame Street Double Play

A baseball double play featuring the pitcher (1) throwing to the catcher (2) to get the runner coming home and save a run scored, then throwing to the first-baseman (3) to get the batter moving towards first base.

The Yankees got out of a potential Grand Slam situation with a Sesame Street Double Play to end the 6th inning against Arizona Diamondbacks.

by brockhoward May 2, 2019

Code 2

An paramedic and emergency medical staff term informing that a patient is suffering/has suffered cardiac arrest, and needs urgent attention once they arrive at hospital.

(Ambulance ) 833 to dispatch, we are standing down. The male patient at Newcastle (Australia) is confirmed code 4 (deceased)after a code 2.

by brockhoward March 23, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž