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Pronounced (frohbe) - Souns like robe.

A two person process. The process of having the first person tighten their lips while pushing them outward to create a small round hole or tight closure while having the second person stick an index finger through the hole or tight closure and imagining it being a butt hole.

Frobe - To perform this action
Frobing - Performing this action
Frobers - People that perform this action
Frobed - To have performed this action

1. I frobed yesterday with Jack, it was sick.

2. Have you ever frobed? It's nasty.

3. Let's show Adam what frobing is, he will gag.

4. Do you want to Frobe?

5. Mike and Dave are Frobers.

by buht June 29, 2011

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A millenial, or beyond, working on a Boomer product or system.

A Moomer failed to follow procedures which resulted in a single corrupt file dropping 30 ywar old aviation software to its knees and preventing flights from occuring to the United States of America.

by buht January 13, 2023

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When you hear two distinctive sounds during a fart as if the sound was coming from two separate pathways to the outer atmosphere. The hand peace sign in reverse face(inner thumb facing chest) and sideways (fingers pointed horizontally to the side of the body) can be used to represent a "duet". (see "symphony")

This morning while stretching I let out a couple of duets.

by buht October 22, 2019

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Pronounced (fluhzh-meer) - similar to the sound of Cashmere which is (kazh-meer)

1. The streak, smear, or temporary poop stain left on a toilet bowl as the result of first flushing the toilet and then beginning bowel movements when one hears the toilet gurgling during the end of the flush.

1. I went to Reds house and left a flushsmear in his guest bathroom.

2. Hey man! You should go to Daves house and leave a flushsmear.

3. Have you heard of a Flushmear before? People have been spreading it like it's hot!

by buht January 30, 2011

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Similar to a duet but containing 3 or more sounds (see duet).

While leaning forward to pick up a bag of trash I released a symphony this afternoon.

by buht October 22, 2019

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The purple circle (purcle) representing 100% investment summary on Computershare's website or app (www.computershare.com).

I have my purcle of GameStop (GME) shares registered with Computershare! BUY HODL DRS.

by buht October 7, 2021


Stocks that are purchased in the same security as a result of gains from previous trades of the security that happen to cover the full price of the new purchase. Essentially, no money was lost on the prior positions and the new position is sort of like free play money.

Example (in the name of the reddit revolt against market manipulators and free trade). Homer buys 10 stocks of GameStop (GME) at 200.00. Homer later sells 10 stocks of GameStop at 300.00 for a net gain of 1,000.00. Now Homer buys 5 stocks of GameStop with the 1,000.00 profit from prior sells of the stock and has no concern as of which way the market takes these stocks.

I'm trading playdoh on GameStop today while I watch the manipulators get squeezed and the corruption of the market brokerages, lenders, etc. come to light.

by buht January 29, 2021