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(adj.) fake, not real, not actually

"She's pretty famous."
"Real famous or internet famous?"

"I have dozens of friends."
"Real friends or internet friends?"

"I was being ironic."
"Real ironic or internet ironic?"

"I literally want to punch you in the face right now."
"Real literally or internet literally?"

by causticAnatomy June 10, 2017


A very common misspelling/mispronunciation of "moronic".

"I watch the Twilight movies ironically."
"You mean moronically."

by causticAnatomy June 10, 2017


A staple of condescending internet comments. Usually found slapped at the end of a half-assed argument, to indicate that the author has said everything that needs to be said, and all that's left for you to do now is to slink away in shame and defeat.

"The Fifty Shades books have no literary value, they perpetuate all the stereotypes feminisim has been fighting against, and their depiction of BDSM is factually wrong and even dangerous."
"yeah well they outsold game of thrones so"

by causticAnatomy June 16, 2018

4👍 1👎


Revised definition for 2020: A form of governance in which only Republicans are allowed to win.

Trump lost by 7 million votes, filed over 50 lawsuits and lost all of them, and was rejected by the Supreme Court twice. This is NOT DEMOCRACY!!!

by causticAnatomy December 13, 2020

Nice guy 180

The point in a conversation where a nice guy, having been rejected by the object of his desires, drops the gentleman act and does a 180 on his attitude, revealing himself as the petty, entitled man-baby that he is.

"You are such a wonderful person. You deserve someone who will take care of you, serve your every need, and never hurt you. Will you do me the honor of allowing me to be that man?"

"Oh, that's sweet of you to say, but I'm just not interested."

"You stuck up bitch, I was doing you a favor pretending you're worth anything, and you think you're too good for me? 21st century women are all spoiled sluts. Get cancer and die."

"...annnd there's the nice guy 180."

by causticAnatomy July 14, 2018