RTFB: An acronym for "(R)ide (T)he (B)us". You can tell your mother/teachers that the F stands for "fast", because we all know the bus is so fast.
You wanna know the best way downtown from here? Just RTFB.
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Stands for "Take the loss". Frequently used to describe flunking a test, being dumped, being stood up, being beaten up or robbed, or losing one's money in the stock market, gambling, or through exploitative business schemes.
I really took the L on that history exam.
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Derogatory word used to refer to George W. Bush.
Ever since Dubyah got in the white house, our country's been going down the tubes.
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A mother who is also your friend. Used to show affection to ones' own mother; often used when addressing ones' own mother.
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An IBM DeskStar 60 or 75GB hard drive, which had a bug in the firmware which could cause massive, spontaneous data loss. Shocking to people, since IBM is generally known for having reliable, though expensive, hardware.
My deathstar died the other day. It was under warranty, but I lost all my data.
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Microsoft Windows, the operating system.
The computers crashed a lot since they were all running doze.
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(1) Them niggaz was talkin' shit about me.
(2) Wassup my niggaz?
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