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A NFL or collegiate cheerleader, or other sports-related sex object. A jock-a-bimbo is more than just a cheerleader as she is more explicitly sexual than implicitly so. The function of the jock-a-bimbo is purportedly to cheer for a team but her latent function is to perform in a sex show adjacent to the athletic competition that exudes a sexuality that underscores societal male hegemony.

The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are arguably America's leading jock-a-bimbos. They are potent sex objects that appear both on the field and regularly on TV and other media. They comprise America's Sex Team.

by circus room October 24, 2011

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A newspaper that focusses on profit rather than serious journalism.

A paper that has no interest in winning a Pulitzer Prize or other awards for journalistic excellence might well be a joke-a-paper more interested in revenue from display and classified ads than trying to investigate what goes on behind the scenes.

by circus room December 31, 2011


The marriage of two ding-a-lings.

The wed-ding of Max and Marsha, two of our town's ding-a-lings, was last Saturday.

by circus room October 23, 2012

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A verse of poetry that pokes fun a someone or something.

The emcee recited a joke-a-verse at the dinner that roasted the comic celebrity.

by circus room March 3, 2012


A mediocre institution of higher education; a pejorative term for a university one dislikes.

1. "I am tired of paying tuition to that joke-a-versity I attend." 2. "This university is so mediocre it is a joke-a-versity." 3. "I read Dr. G. Louis Heath's book ILLINOIS STATE JOKE-A-VERSITY. It registers his animus toward the university he retired from. Though pejorative, his use of the concept JOKE-A-VERSITY is refreshing."

by circus room January 25, 2011

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A jock-a-versity is an institution where the jockular values of athletics trump the life of the mind, where tailgating and the big Saturday game get more attention than academic pursuits.

Most universities today meet the definition of a jock-a-versity, especially the BCS institutions. They play athletics on a professional level, pandering to an undergraduate student body that values highly attending sports events and partying.

by circus room October 21, 2011


A jock-a-rambo is an athlete engaged in violent contact sports who is highly aggressive, often in part owing to the use of steroids. More than other athletes, his violence defines him. He suffers from the mindset that the hard hit, high sticking, whip tackling, spearing, brushback pitches, hard sliding, and other marginal or illegal techniques are essential ways to gain an edge in competition.

Jack Tatum, free safety for the Oakland Raiders in the 1970s, paralyzed Darryl Stingley of the New England Patriots in a 1978 NFL preseason game with a very violent, though legal, hit. He recounted this incident in the ultimate jock-a-rambo book, THEY CALL ME ASSASSIN, published in 1979.

by circus room October 24, 2011