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Understanding that racial groups do exist. Knowing that different races evolved under different circumstances and so are different from one another. Differing innate qualities of racial groups might include average intelligence, average physical strength, other average physical characteristics, average skin color, differing societal crime statistics, etc.

Racialism pertains more to a racial group as opposed to an individual. Whereas racism is more about individuals as opposed to the group.

Doug has a good friend that is from Morocco, he also likes Moroccan food. Doug lives in Dublin, Ireland though and doesn’t want his government to mass import 8 million Moroccans to his city. Doug has no hate for individual Moroccans so he is not racist. Doug believes in racialism though, he does not want to live in a Moroccan city he wants to live in an Irish city.

Doug knows not to bring up his racialist ideas when his Moroccan friend has him over for lunch. Bringing up racialist ideas wouldn't make Doug a racist, but it would make him an asshole.

by dietdrpepper May 13, 2016

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