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This acronym means Wasn't Talking To You. It is to be used when people are in your business when they're not supposed to be or when people butt into your conversations uninvited. It can also be used to relieve confusion in a chat environment.

Sorry you feel that way, but I wtty.

Loser, leave me alone, I wtty.

by dj32089 September 18, 2008

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

soldier salute

It simply means when a man is horny or ''hard''. A ''soldier'' is a man's penis. When the soldier doesn't salute no more, that means the blood doesn't flow to the penis quick enough to make a man ''hard''. This is the reason some males use Viagra, Cialis or one of those ''enhancers''.

1.What's wrong, your soldier don't salute no more?

2.Baby, can your soldier salute for me?

by dj32089 September 18, 2008

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1.Likes what he/she hears. That kind of person would raise both eyebrows, kind of like saying ''wow'' and have a huge smile on.

2.very sarcastic; could be impressed at times

1.After seeing those pictures, I was real smug.

2.If you see someone sexy, your bound to have a smug look on your face.

by dj32089 September 18, 2008

14πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Street-term for Cocaine.

Are you selling any of that rice?

by dj32089 April 17, 2009

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

raised eyebrow

1.When something impresses you, one eyebrow is raised as a sort of expression

2.mild sarcasm; saying Oh reely?

3.concerned about the truth of a statement, saying Are you sure?

Unsure about the statements in the room, I showed a raised eyebrow.

by dj32089 September 18, 2008

61πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

auto tune

It is used to disguise inaccuracies and mistakes, and Ҁ“ due to its increasing use in modern music Ҁ“ has allowed many artists to produce more precisely tuned recordings. While Auto-Tune is only one out of many commercial pitch correction packages, auto-tune is frequently used in the media as a blanket term to describe any audio processing with a similar effect, perhaps because it was the first product allowing pitch correction in real time.

In the hit single lollipop, Lil Wayne used auto tune.

by dj32089 September 18, 2008

336πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


To Roast or Flame; make fun of a friend or foe in an attempt to embarrass them alone or in front of a group of people (Miami slang)

"Look at that ugly ass black nigga, thinkin' he coo and shit."
"Man, why you tryna shine?"

by dj32089 December 10, 2012

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž