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A small country of which half the people can't actually speak their own language or talk in a welsh accent, this may seem like a stereotype but it is pretty true.

Sadly though most people in Wales hate the English, when Welsh people are born it's told to them to hate the English, you can also see graffiti about it everywhere.

There are lots of mountains in Wales including Snowdon and Tyrfan, it's a good place to go for hiking and is also a good place for climbing (it has a mountain training center).

Unfortunately, there are sheep, EVERYWHERE. You have to watch where you put your feet to make sure you don't stand in sheep crap. And no, Welsh people don't shag them.

Wales is a good country, very nationalist though.

City in wales:

Group of 10 year olds walks up to group of English men.

Welsh girl: Get out of our country!

by doorbell October 6, 2007

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