Source Code

love slave

consensual sex slave

sometimes without the sex

"I swear dude. I wear that t-shirt that says 'Will you be my love slave?' and girls I've never seen before just walk up to me and say 'Yes'."

by dsimms January 14, 2008

55πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


the network connection you use to have cybersex with your cyber fuckbuddy

the conceptual network line running from your cyberlover's computer, through all the intermediate crap of the internet, ending up on your computer, on your screen

"Your folks got you a cyberline? Woot!"

"I told them I needed it for homework."

by dsimms January 14, 2008

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


any software program or website that takes up too much of your memory, disk space, bandwidth, cpu time, or real time

comes from the software being piggish, hogging your valuable computer resources for itself

also see bloatware

"You still running that pigware? Why don't you switch to Firefox?"


"This Ajax bullshit is definitely pigware"

by dsimms January 16, 2008

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1. the define, or architecture, of boundary swell at the little feet and/or human-sized sex organs, applied to attitude, visitude, or moral stance, vis-a-visual real or perceived mechanical meat and motion

2. anything related to the topics of sexbots, lovebots, or fuckbots, inclusive

3. cybersexery

"...harassed less violently because I am at least visually conforming to expectation of sexbottery"
- random quote pulled from Google

"Yo, dawg, meet you on da holodeck for a little sexbottery, you know what I'm sayin?"
"Why are you talking like that, Data?"

by dsimms February 5, 2008

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


(alternate spelling for blogoo)

grey goo search results consisting mostly of blog links that have nothing to do with the topic you're interested in

what's worse is when the link is to some blog that links to some other blog, and only came up in the search results because it has your search topic as a meaningless buzz word or the name of some blogger

example: you want to find information on herpes, and some blog wonk has the name Herpes, so the first 200 search results are links to _other_ peoples' blogs that point to Herpes' blogs, and are of the form: "on April 20, Herpes commented on Britney's breakup with Justin", or "Herpes said in his blog yesterday he's gonna vote for Obama"

yuck! i got bloggoo all over my fingers!

by dsimms April 21, 2008


a dance done by search engine spiders on the web

when a spider crawls your website, it gathers up all the links and keywords on your web pages, then crawls into all the web pages pointed to by your links

this dance is sometimes called "crawling the web"

robots.txt files can be used to limit what spiders do when they crawl your website -- assuming it's a spider that obeys the rules

by dsimms April 21, 2008

58πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Star Trek: the Next Generation - the second tv series in the long-running science fiction franchise

usually pronouneced as "S T N G", as separate letters with no reference to the colon, even though it is _always_ written with the colon

also called simply "Next Generation" by the geekazoids

sometimes also written ST:tNG

"He is such a geek, when he says ST:NG you can hear the fucking colon in it, I swear"

by dsimms January 14, 2008

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž