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Seal Team Six

While banging a girl from behind, you whisper her name until she turns her head towards you, and then you pull out and blast her twice in the face. For dramatic effect, you might even yell "Geronimo" afterwards.

Kyle's high school crush played hard to get for nearly 10 years, but he finally Seal Team Sixed her last weekend.

by frankfantasia September 5, 2014

2👍 2👎


The byproduct of clandestinely rubbing one out in a coffee shop, although not necessarily into your drink. A favorite morning 'upper' among East Coast homeless folks.

Ray: While I was at Starbucks this morning, I noticed a downtrodden gentleman sitting in the corner brewing himself a fresh Fapucino.

Dan: I wonder if it was a Skinny Fapucino.

by frankfantasia September 17, 2014