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means "pussy" (in albanian language)

Ajo po qe eshte pidh i lezetshem
(she is for sure a nice pussy)

by goldboy April 30, 2005

133👍 57👎


A country in the balkan. Part of the former yoguslavia. Mostly known as warmaking country over territory pretending among other countries, by wars in the last decate. The only main activity of this country is killing and masacre making among innocent people. It's main goal is finding small countries to fight with. Theirs former president is in the hague trial with his high-ranking military chiefs. This country has a critical political stability with their prime minister murdered among some mounths ago. The people of this country are known as brutal and racism is a natural feeling. Not much to say else, this country is known whole over the world for its news full of violence.

News: war in balkan, as always Serbia in the conflict ...

by goldboy April 30, 2005

197👍 248👎


word for the albanian language

Mua me duket sikur ai po flet shqip.
Seems to me that he speaks albanian.

by goldboy April 30, 2005

117👍 20👎