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Jizzyland is a group of talented B-POP idols consisting of: J1 Jizzy, M1 Mezza and N1 Sack.
They debuted in 2004 with their single 'IT'S COMING HOME'. They are having their first comeback in 2019 with the album 'BREXIT: Protect yourself (MANDEM)'.
Instagram: @jizzyland

Have you heard of the new HOT group jizzyland?

by jizzyland August 23, 2019

2👍 1👎


b-pop is like k-pop but it is british pop music.
it was founded by famous b-pop girl group jizzyland (@jizzyland on instagram)
the b-pop founders (jizzyland) were formerly members of natmeg but decided to part ways with the previous member, hobicon.

have you heard that new b-pop album BREXIT: Protect yourself (MANDEM)? its so FIRE!

by jizzyland August 23, 2019

1👍 4👎