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A sport often neglected by those who have not been a part of, nor swam at least 40 lengths of the pool non-stop. Swimming is a very intense sport full of speedos and half naked girls whom join either to stay in shape, competitively swim, or for the lack of clothing that the men wear.
Often Rejected by muscle-heads such as football players, runners, wresters and any type of other sport that requires injury to the head because there is no more room for acceptance due to the lack of space available in their brains for acceptance.
Swimmers are part of a team which they refer to as their family, as they are together 24/7 due to the amount of practice that swim coach piles upon them. Swimmers also are known to date the members of their swim team; which is technically incest.
Swimming teams often complain about their sport, yet never quit because of the love/hate relationship with the water. Also, a swimmer can be found by food, talking about food, or complaining that there is not enough food.

Football player: swimming's easy.
Swimmer 1: if swimming's easy then why am I skinny and in shape while you're still fat?
Swimmer 2: (to other swimmer) bro, eat this sandwich, you're not you when you're hungry.

by justanotherdictionary December 28, 2013

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