Source Code


A person’s progress from last year to today. Talk about health/wealth/goodness.

Daily fluctuation of emotions/wealth/etc is often told from “how are you”.

Comes from the word ‘increase’ in Latin

Sven: How’s your cres?
Thrane: Since last year? Fantastic. I make a lot more money today but run less than I did, will think about running more.

Cecile: Frederik seems cresant.
Simone: He definitely grew well.

by kakapoopooaccount January 17, 2021

High like, low comment ratio

When a someone posts something thinking it’s based, when it is infact widely accepted, non-controversial, and has no one arguing in the comments.

High like low comment ratio, implies that the poster may possibly not be a human but instead is infact an automated bot account, or a human with NPC like tendencies which can fool people into presuming it’s a bot.

This usually requires highly tribalistic & partisan behavior. Meaning there may not be anything critical or based with that account’s other posts. This is specially true if that account has repeated occurrences.

There is a direct correlation between posting controversial matter and getting many comments.

Generic Dude: “Fuck Trump”
4,300 likes and 11 comments.

12th Reply: High Like, Low comment ratio

by kakapoopooaccount July 14, 2024

1👍 1👎

Eat The Rich

What young people type on their expensive iPhone/Galaxy to maintain social approval

Elon sold 500,000 new Teslas this year, one of the biggest contributors to end global warming

Young person: Cobalt child labour, Eat The Rich

Tesla announced to stop using cobalt while all other car companies continue cobalt use

Young person: Emerald mine, Eat The Rich

News sources find no evidence of Elon’s dad owning an emerald mine

Young person: Shut the fuck up Elon, Eat the rich

by kakapoopooaccount April 4, 2021

53👍 70👎


When you marry someone to make a political statement first, love second.

GGenes is to be used BOTH to conservatives and liberals.

Larry: Why did John leave Lingling to marry his 2nd cousin?
Mohammed: GGenes

Charlotte: Josefine is dating Ahmed because she said the west steals everything.
Aliyah: GGenes

by kakapoopooaccount December 24, 2020

Pass the sauce

Sharing the source material of nsfw content

Person A: Sittin here with my dry fry, can someone pass the sauce?
Person B: *Source*

by kakapoopooaccount August 7, 2020

Shut Up Elon

The daily prayer for young people who set their location as a gender.

Statement is made when something threatens their identity. Such as a wealthy person sharing memes, in their view wealthy people aren’t allowed because of their background.

Very often these Individuals haven’t learnt of their own history nor understand how economics works, thus the daily bark at the wealthy on a free app.

Elon shared a meme

A teen/young adult: Shut the fuck up Elon or Shut Up Elon

by kakapoopooaccount April 4, 2021


A platform for dweebs and/or children to practice useful real world skills.

Steven: Wanna go out?
Dweeb: No, i'm gonna livestream Osu!
Steven: What for?
Dweeb: Heh...*le closes all crunchy roll tabs* a skill i can only show m'ladies ;3

by kakapoopooaccount December 7, 2018

11👍 5👎