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Shes got beautiful eyes, worth sculpting like micheal angelo sculpted david. Shes got a body that makes men do a double take and makes other girls jealous.

She has a sense of humour that can make anyone laugh and she lights up the room when she walks in. Shes got the voice of an angel and a laugh thats questionable at times.

She has a brain that rivals everyone around her including adults, she can quickly shut someone up in a convesation or an arguement cause she knows damn well when shes right and she wont take disrespect.
Those who say shes too much or too passionate, maybe youre not passionate enough? theres never anything wrong with being passionate about something.

Shes got a great sense of morality and never lets the wrong things sway her.

I think jesus spent a little too much time creating her, cause perfect things arent supposed to exist on this earth, but when i look at you its only perfection.

I love you

Kerri-Leigh ? that pretty girl over there?

by lililiana November 19, 2023


Treishuana, shes one of those people, those types of girls you'll never forget once you meet her. Even in years to come she'll leave a lasting impression on you. She's got a strong personality and she holds her thoughts and beliefs close to her, she won't hesitate to stand up for what she believes is right nor will she tolerate any disrespect. Once she's made her mind up to something she will get it.

She's got pretty plump lips and fluffy hair that bounces like clouds. She's able to try new hairstyles that always end up looking so good on her. She's got an amazing sense of style that only accentuates her body and how curvaceous she is.

She's also somehow able to be the best of both worlds, she can be the life of the party and also a scholar receiving awards for her work. She's inspiring in so many ways. She's one of those insanely cute and dorky people you will always hold close to your heart.
Once this girl considers you a friend, that's a friend for life, someone who will always have your back and be able to help you no matter the situation. She won't hesitate to defend you.

You see that girl Treishuana over there?, that cute, pretty, funny, smart, sexy girl, I've got a major crush on her

by lililiana November 20, 2023


A girl who has a vibrant personality. Once you know her you cant forget about her. Shes strong and passionate and talkative and loud and athletic and amazing . Shes got pretty plump lips and gorgeous hair she styles in the best way ever.

This is the type of girl that looks good in everything she wears. Shes got a curvaceous body that's tones and she's not afraid to show it off.

Shes got a unique type of personality that you cant find anywhere else, she's the type of person you'll never forget in years to come.

She's someone who you should treasure cause once she considers you a friend, she will stick by your side forever. She's able to be the best of both worlds, able to do amazing academically and able to be the life of a party. She's one of the dorkiest funniest people you'll ever meet.

Treishauna? that cute, sexy, funny smart, beautiful girl over there? god she's amazing

by lililiana November 20, 2023