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A girl who has a vibrant personality. Once you know her you cant forget about her. Shes strong and passionate and talkative and loud and athletic and amazing . Shes got pretty plump lips and gorgeous hair she styles in the best way ever.

This is the type of girl that looks good in everything she wears. Shes got a curvaceous body that's tones and she's not afraid to show it off.

Shes got a unique type of personality that you cant find anywhere else, she's the type of person you'll never forget in years to come.

She's someone who you should treasure cause once she considers you a friend, she will stick by your side forever. She's able to be the best of both worlds, able to do amazing academically and able to be the life of a party. She's one of the dorkiest funniest people you'll ever meet.

Treishauna? that cute, sexy, funny smart, beautiful girl over there? god she's amazing

by lililiana November 20, 2023