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A word used to take the mickey out of chavs that use izzle endings. = Makes them sound like Ned Flanders from the Simpsons a little. =

Mackenzie: Yo homie, did you do that tag near the bridge.
Elliot: Indeedidizzle I did.

by lozenge May 31, 2007

3👍 1👎


A mix of the word 'yo' and archaic (old fashioned) language to create a really cool new word. I personally use it in a sarcastic way to joke about chavs and their silly little phrases.

Also it's suggesting the word yo is outdated, by making it sound even older, but in an ironic way as it's a new word. =

Fredrick: Yo-eth matey, how be thee?
Bob: I'm alright thanks dude.


by lozenge May 31, 2007

4👍 2👎


adj: Describes a particularly shiny and soft head of hair.

Arul: Your sheath is looking prime today.
Laura: Gee, thanks! I washed it last night!

Maddy: Do you think I should cut my hair?
Laura: No leave it as it is, it's such a sheath!

by lozenge April 1, 2013

16👍 12👎