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Lifted truck

A truck that has had its suspension modified so that it rides way too far off the ground, usually to the point where the high center of gravity could actually be dangerous. Normally driven by someone who chews dip, starts fights, and has an extremely tiny penis.

My lifted truck has straight pipes and rolls coal, but my dick is still two inches hard. What in tarnation?

by mayanaze February 22, 2017

137👍 38👎


Subtly showing that you feel superior to others. Is usually viewed as extremely douchey

Oh, I hate that kid. He's such a condescending piece of shit.

by mayanaze February 22, 2017

308👍 51👎

Shut the fuck up

1. A way to convey your annoyance or other displeasure at another person’s remarks.

2. An expression of disbelief.

3. Describes a successful outcome of definition 1.

1. Person A: “Did you hear that in the new Star Wars movie, towards the en-“
Person B: “Shut the fuck up! You’re gonna spoil it for me!”

2. Person A: “Dude, Alex bought a brand new Bugatti Chiron!”
Person B: “Shut the fuck up, are you serious?”

3. Person A: “I told Eric not to spoil the end of the new Star Wars movie and he shut the fuck up.”

by mayanaze July 20, 2018

1👍 2👎

High School

100 times better than middle school and 100 times worse than college. Is either the best four years of your life or the worst four years of your life depending on how you play it.

Damn, I just graduated from High School.

by mayanaze February 7, 2017


Derogatory term originating in New England to refer to somebody from Massachusetts. Most commonly used while driving.

Dammit! That masshole just cut me off!

Sorry I’m late for work, all the masshole leaf peepers caused a traffic jam on Route 101.

by mayanaze November 11, 2021


Nicotine will fuck up your life. It is the addictive chemical in cigarettes and, more recently, vape pens like the Juul. It makes you feel dizzy and a little bit happy for about a minute, but frequent users don’t even feel this effect anymore and just need it to feel normal. It is not worth it at all to get addicted. It’s bad for your lungs, especially if smoked in a cigarette.

I’ve been smoking for 5 years now and I get out of breath really easily. I also cough up a shitload of phlegm whenever I clear my throat. I really need to quit using nicotine.

by mayanaze July 20, 2018

51👍 10👎


Something that fucking retards do.

This dude was tailgating me the whole ride home... I really just wanted to slam on the brakes!

by mayanaze April 25, 2018

5👍 4👎