A Shonen-ai manga created by Masakazu Katsura. It's the story of Yota, a 16-year old who buys a tape from which the "virtual consolator" Ai comes to life. A wonderful love story, with beautiful art.
Video Girl Ai is the best love story ever written since Shakespeare.
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The unknown 5th member of the Max series (Max 300, Maxx Unlimited, The Legend of Max, Max.(period)) by DM Ashura that runs at a staggering 340 beats per minute. Though not an official Max song, it reflects the sounds of Max through contemporary piano chords and a plusating tempo.
--Found in the unofficial DDR Tournamix.
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Someone who does something good with their life and somehow gets the blame for vandalising and known to cause trouble lol but theres more than that theres a lot of skill and pain in it aswell why not go on www.mikesole.8m.com just sk8 for fun if u dont ure not a true skateboarder.
and if u pose with a skateboard ure just a townie trying to look cool.
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a very large international company which is largely unknown. it has a connection with panasonic.
you should never ever buy a matshita product.
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Cunnilingus. As blowjob is to fellatio, "slurpie" is to cunnilingus.
"C'mon baby, gimmie a slurpie", she moaned, dropping her panties and spreading her legs.
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