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trip dot

trip dot basically a candle that shines 3 dots and trip is not for falling it's for three as in triple

dang look at that shiny trip dot lol nigga

by microshep.30 March 26, 2019


A turtle who was mutated by some green shit ooz I think they call it. Hes a ninja and a turtle he uses the sai but he has two of em and wears a red headbang. He's cool overall but gets pissed easily.

Me: sup rapheal
Not rapheal because I don't know him dumbass

by microshep.30 July 14, 2020

2👍 1👎


A great rapper. Hella underrated.

My favorite rapper is dondrell209.

by microshep.30 March 4, 2021


A musical artist. Incredibly underrated. Better than every single rapper nowadays, it's no contest. He is my favorite.

Dondrell209/DirtyDancin has great music.

by microshep.30 April 30, 2021


a beautiful game everyone should play it has funny characters and looks amazing did I forget to mention that it looks great but the ending is sorta sad

firewatch is such a good game

by microshep.30 February 27, 2019

10👍 1👎

squinty nigga

an Asian

yo bro look at that squinty nigga over there HEY SQUINTY NIGGA GO BACK TO CHINA AND EAT A CAT FAGGOT

by microshep.30 August 7, 2019


the name for something for when you forget the name of something.

hey dude can you give me that one big, round thing-a-ma-jig in my garage its also silver.

by microshep.30 May 12, 2019