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Contrary to the previous post saying Jeebus was taken from Frank Zappa's "Them or Us" album from the song "Heavenly Pocketbook", actually there is no such song on that album. On a different album, "You Are What You Is" there is a song called "Heavenly Bank Account", but this still doesn't mention Jeebus, though it does mention not "gwine up to hebbin". I agree that Matt Groening is on record as a big Zappa fan, but so far I can't find that Zappa used the term Jeebus for Jesus, though it is clearly something that Zappa would do (and maybe did in a live concert?).

I'm sorry Jeebus! Forgive me Jeebus!

by nanook April 20, 2005

56👍 131👎


you figure it out

"if you don't stop sleeping around,you're gonna come down with a bad case of syphagonaherpylaids"

by nanook October 7, 2003

3👍 1👎