Source Code


A esoteric programming language (like Befunge and ><>)
Malbolge was designed to be impossible to use, and the first program was not even made by a human; it was generated by a beam search algorithm a while after Malbolge's creation.
To make it hard to use, its creator (Ben Olmstead) added:
1. A counter-intuitive 'crazy operation'
2. A ternary (base 3) system
3. Self-altering code

note that this definition was previously under 'Malboge'

Person A: Hey, have you learnt Malboge yet?
Person B: OK. First up, it's MalboLge. And second, you don't write Malbolge. You RUN.
Person A: (=<`#9~6ZY327Uv4-QsqpMn&+Ij"'E%e{Ab~w=_:Kw%o44Uqp0/Q?xNvL:`H%c#DD2^WV>gY;dts76qKJImZkj
Person B: I know you didn't write that yourself. Also, I saw the first 3 characters, don't be evil please.
Person A: (=BA#9"=<;:3y7x54-21q/p-,+*)"!h%B0/.
Person B: SHUT UP!!!

by numbers_1238763879546397562345 July 30, 2023

Make minecarts faster

"Make minecarts faster" is a catchphrase commonly said in camman18 shorts. It references the fact that minecarts take so much effort to set up but are basically useless as they are slower than even SPRINTING.

Literally every short by camman18: "Also make minecarts faster"

by numbers_1238763879546397562345 February 27, 2023

Compact Claustrophobia

Compact Claustrophobia is a Minecraft FTB (Feed The Beast - not the being angry one, but the custom challenge map making heavy use of mods) modpack. Its premise is based upon being stuck in a small bedrock hallway and entering a 3 by 3 by 3 room. In this room, you craft materials to create larger rooms (5x5x5, 7x7x7, 9x9x9, 11x11x11, 13x13x13) and automate many tasks in a heavily modded playthrough. The player (in an ideal playthrough) eventually gets access to a bedrock pickaxe to break the bedrock chamber they spawn in, and continue to progress in the Overworld (if they wish to) and beat the Ender Dragon by use of an "End Cake" that teleports you to the End.

Compact Claustrophobia is a Minecraft modpack based on the Compact Machines mod that allows you to fit rooms inside a single block.
"I escaped Compact Claustrophobia and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"
I finally got a Nuclear Furnace in early-game Compact Claustrophobia and it is like 70 times faster than a regular furnace lol
If you don't go the way of automation in Compact Claustrophobia, you will go through a long and hard slog of manually grinding (or macroing if you're into that for some reason).
Compact Claustrohpobia without Click Machine is like doing pushups on your knees, it just doesn't work out

by numbers_1238763879546397562345 July 30, 2023