an anime that only comes to life during the manga break weeks, and the weeks between new chapters and episodes of jujutsu kaisen.
it was born from chapter 236 of jujutsu kaisen, when satoru gojo died.
"Yo a new edit of Lobotomy Kaisen just came out,"
"Nah, I'd win..."
A road which appears to be a motorway, but isn't (faux)
It usually ends in a roundabout
On the way to school, we had to pass through a couple of fauxtorways.
an adjective that means very amazing or nicely yassified.
That shirt is so slayð
You slayed in that outfit!
NOUN: a homemade knife
VERB: the act of stabbing someone
NOUN: "imma shank you"
VERB: "do you like my shank.....yeah i made it myself"