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Australian slang (occasionally used internationally) for feeling as though you've been ass fucked. Usually used in the description of one's emotional state of despair, frustration and pain after a negative event such as being ripped off or played.

See synonyms: busted, broken, stuffed, reamed, rammed, nailed, screwed, boned, hammered, rooted

That store charged me double for no reason! I've been Trevied!

That birthday stripper your mates got you turned out to be a tranny? You got Trevied!

by ozgod January 24, 2007

496👍 52👎


Australian slang used to exaggerate size and imply a negative conotation. Usually considered a derogatory term and is most often used in relation to someone who is morbidly obese.

To be grammatically correct the term may either be:
placed immediately before a size related adjective e.g. That port-a-loo is vellis big; or
used as an adjective e.g. He's so fat, he's vellis.

Terms is possibly derived from large beast described in ancient Greek mythology.

That guy is so vellis fat he's not going to fit through the door.

His Subway diet is two feet of meatball sub and he wonders why he's vellis massive.

by ozgod January 24, 2007

47👍 9👎