Source Code

pimp cup

A dimaond encrusted chalis. Plastic ones available, though not for drinking.

If you drink from a plastic pimp cup you will die.

by r August 20, 2004

327πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž


A person who is large due to an obsessive eating of McDonalds and 100% pure lard

Person1: Let's go to McDonalds
Person2: Cool, let's get FAT
Person3: Hell no, I don't want to be fat

*Person1 dies of a heart attack at 29 years of age*
*Person2 dies of liver damage at the age of 37*
*Person3 dies of old age at the age of 107*

by r April 16, 2006

39πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


Stands for white man fro. Self explanatory.

Looks like Tom is sportin' a WMF!

by r July 30, 2004

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


a badass

"you don't have to act like chino"

by r December 30, 2004

199πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž


1. Sieve
Any goalie that allows many goals to be scored by an opposing team, thus causing his team own team to lose the game.

Although team St. AmourҀ™s offence was rather weak, it was ultimately their sieve like goaltender that allowed the opposing team to show them "Who's Boss"

Although team St. AmourҀ™s offence was rather weak, it was ultimately their sieve like goaltender that allowed the opposing team to show them "Who's Boss"

by r June 17, 2005

153πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


Now it is used kinda like WTF?!?!?!?

Person 1: gfhfgjghhdfhkgjfkgjsdfifhdsj
Person 2: w00t?
Person 1: w00t!
Person 2: Ok then I will walk away

by r June 22, 2005

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

co-op rob

A baller a hell of a guy usually a ladies man, rides around in large SUV, and luxury cars ranging from Mercedes to Bentleys.

Yo co-op rob is ballin that fool is Team Baurtwelled up

by r November 11, 2004

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž