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PJAS stands for Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science.
It is an annual science project competition open to 7-12 graders held in two levels.
There is regional level. It is held in late February. That is your participating county and relatively surrounding area.* If you get a first place in that level,** you move onto state level and attend Penn State University for 2 1/2 days, presenting your project to a tougher panel of judges.

*Region 9's competition is held at Slippery Rock University Main Campus.
**The grading scale for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are as follow: 1st place- 4.00 pts-5.00 pts. 2nd place- 3.00 pts- 3.99 pts. 3rd place- 2.99 and lower.

~I have attended PJAS since 7th grade

by raiderj134 November 9, 2011

6👍 4👎