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PJA is an acronym which stands for 'Plum Juicy Ass' meant to be said as a compliment when referring to someone's buttock. It is the gender neutral predecessor to WAP as WAP can only be used to describe those who have the luxury of having a vagina. A PJA can be obtained by conducting posterior orientated exercises such as the squat.

"From the top,

Pop some squats

That's a PJA!"

Thicc boy 1 (Sam): Damn! Mark is rocking in with a gucci PJA!
Thicc boy 2 (Mark): Thanks man! I just popped some squats this morning! Becky gave me the workout of a lifetime! Her PJA is MASSIVE!

Thicc boy 1 (Sam): Yea I saw her Instagram post! That PJA should be in the next Jurassic Park!

by PJA inventor June 5, 2021


PJAS stands for Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science.
It is an annual science project competition open to 7-12 graders held in two levels.
There is regional level. It is held in late February. That is your participating county and relatively surrounding area.* If you get a first place in that level,** you move onto state level and attend Penn State University for 2 1/2 days, presenting your project to a tougher panel of judges.

*Region 9's competition is held at Slippery Rock University Main Campus.
**The grading scale for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are as follow: 1st place- 4.00 pts-5.00 pts. 2nd place- 3.00 pts- 3.99 pts. 3rd place- 2.99 and lower.

~I have attended PJAS since 7th grade

by raiderj134 November 9, 2011

6👍 4👎


Pushing Jesus's Agenda

Some critical moments can't be discussed with anyone but still PJA

by simply sunny April 4, 2015