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Scots word simply meaning "give"

Presumably derived either because we are to lazy to say all the letters in an English word, or we have just made it more streamlined and efficient over the years.

Gie that dinner money to yer brer... and make sure he sees it aw mind or ye'll meet a clout in the lug when yer in for yer tea.

by ram5ay April 9, 2011

32👍 6👎


Scot's word that is used to describe something extremely disgusting, putrid, rancid, etc. and especially in relation to something bad smelling.
Comes after "boggin" in the descriptive scale of good to bad. Something boggin would insight disapproval and disgust, where as something houfin would likely encourage an unwanted physical response, ie. give you the boak!

aw whit..... Kev's pure getting aff wi yer Gran and he just pulled half her falsers oot his mouth..... that is houfin likes!!

me: heeeuuuw..... heeeuuuw..... heeeuuuwewew....
pal: whats up wi your puss?
me: just stood on that rat man it's totally houfin, burst open wi these maggots an shit aw wrigglin aboot, pure gien me the dry boke like!!

by ram5ay April 9, 2011

25👍 2👎

sha hoor

Used as an exclamation of surprise, or emphasis when describing something out of the ordinary, often situated at the start of a sentence.
Could be used in a similar situation to - oh my god!, wowzers!, or you wouldn't believe this but....

Most commonly used in the east of Scotland, esp Fife.

Sha hoor.. would ye look at the state o that old dear, she's aff her puss on the sherry like!

Sha hoor neebur, I was gan doon the merkat the ither day an a load o young ains peltit me wi yon water balloons, wee buggers totally drenched us like! Ya should o seen me, ah was pure dreepin aw ower the shop!

by ram5ay January 22, 2011

27👍 2👎


A Scottish term for a cloth, rag, or piece of clothing.
Where I grew up this was generally used to describe a damp dishcloth.
It is also where a clootie dumpling (a traditional Scottish fruit dumpling made by tying the ingredients up in a cloth and boiling them) gets its name.

Here lad, how did ye get so manky! I telt you no to bury yer hale heed in the puddin, away grab a cloot from the sink and wipe yer puss afore the dug does it for ye

by ram5ay March 1, 2011

33👍 3👎