Something that is extremely good or enjoyable, such as a good movie, TV, or video game. This can be used in almost any context. Originally a description of TV or display monitor's quality, this has slowly transformed into a word that just means "gud".
8K XDR 120fps, 16K XDR 2048fps, top notch, etc.
â Dude, his playstyle is 4K HDR 60fps!
â I know, right! Look at his kills!
â That burger was 4K HDR 60fps, yo.
â Because of that burger, your arteries are no longer 4K HDR 60fps.
1. A person who discriminates others based on facial features, (e.g. A person with small eyes, Burgandoff Brothers-level chin,)
2. What some fucking 5-year old thinks "fascist" is spelled like.
Mike is an absolute facist, he won't marry Sarah because she has a hooked nose.
Used by Cub-Scout Colour-Guards where I'm from, (not really pretty universal) usually to dismiss the plebs that are ruled by the benevolent speaker of the Colour-Guards.
(Example is at end of a Scout event because before the Scout event would be too long)
Color guard, attention. Will the audience please rise?
Color guard, advance, Scout salute.
Color guard, retire the colors. (Flags)
1👍 2👎
Adj. â Stands for mal-coordinated, and often used as an insult, especially to those with special needs. Political correctness is ambiguous.
Jacob: "Have you seen that retarded seabass?"
Ferdinand: "What, that Malco?"