PT-YOLO (You Only Live Once) is Today's Random Word of the Day, which is someone who attempts to 'only live once' by using up (or throwing away all of) their PTO (Paid Time Off) very early on during the work year in order to vacation, attend some seemingly epic event, or (generally speaking) seize the moment that they feel they must seize,... and then whining about their lack of time off for the remainder of the work year, thus subjecting their more prudent colleagues to complaints and negativity concerning their 'tragic' and 'unforeseen' lack of time off to do anything for the rest of the year.
Yeah, Kate's just moaning again about not being able to do the Memorial Day thing with us,... meh. If she wasn't such a PT-YOLO about her days off I might feel sorry for her.
To be fair, Google this in quotes for first attribution: 'PT YOLO' and look for Random Words of the Day post in search results.
When someone attempts to just dump their vapid, misshapen thoughts in front of you and hope that they masquerade as contribution. They're similar to ink blots, but they're far messier and typically terrible to clean up, if the idea darkening the page is actually given any actionable weight. They are usually found in board meetings or coming from the lips of upper management, uttered towards lower-paid specialists who actually know what they are doing.
Yeah, I had the entire campaign setup for our social media and then our COO came by and left his think blots all over our plan,... totally muddied the waters for the objective of the campaign, and now the Marketing Director wants to redo it all. Ugh.
To be fair, Google this for first attribution: 'youtube think blots' and look for Random Words of the Day post in search results.